Photobiology Photostablity of Peptide BondsSimulations and experiments show that hydrogen bonds play an important role for the stability of peptide bonds against UV radiation. (more…) By Mario Barbatti, 10 yearsAugust 1, 2014 ago
Photobiology Formation and Repair of Cyclobutane Pyrimidine DimersDiverse mechanisms of formation and repair of CPDs with different charge, excitation, and multiplicity states are mapped using high-level ab initio methods. (more…) By Mario Barbatti, 10 yearsJuly 18, 2014 ago
Photobiology Benchmark of Dynamics Simulations: AdenineBenchmark of excited-state nonadiabatic dynamics simulations for adenine shows the limits of quantum chemical methods. (more…) By Mario Barbatti, 11 yearsMarch 14, 2014 ago
Photobiology Photochemistry of lifeComputational chemistry explains a photochemical reaction at the origin of life. (more…) By Mario Barbatti, 11 yearsJanuary 20, 2014 ago